Sunday, March 10, 2013

Freezer Potatoes

Here in San Diego active duty families have access to a food storage.  Basically it has free bread, eggs, fruits and vegetables.  I can go Monday-Thursday everyday.  In one word it is awesome.  Just yesterday I picked up 7 oranges, 14 cuties, 4 grape fruits, a loaf of french bread, raisin english muffins, and a loaf of wheat bread. It is different every time I go.  Last week they had potatoes, so now I am up to my eyeballs in potatoes.  I have to figure out how to use them all.  So I head over to pinterest and found a few things.  I found how to freeze potatoes on google. 

Now this is actually a re-make of a few recipes that I found.

Cut up potatoes into small bites
Soak in water for about 15 minutes
Dry them off
Brush with olive oil
Sprinkle with Garlic Pepper
Cook until tender
Let cool 
and freeze in a ziploc bag

When you use them for breakfast toss in the microwave for a few minutes to soften.

Fry them, add to burritos, etc... 

So easy my eight year old does this by herself now.  She LOVES to help in the kitchen.


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