Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dreaming Part Two...

Okay I should be sleeping... but I had to write this quickly.  This morning I woke up to about 10 emails in regards to my blog post all very amazing.  I want to thank everyone for their support.  There was a few questions that they had for me.

What drugs? For sleeping I am on a low dose of Trazadone and I was taking Celexta for the depression/ balancing out part.

You said you ran the business to the ground.. what?  Okay, not really!  However for me a handful of un-happy clients was the end of the world.  I did do something smart and stop booking at the beginning of the new year for a few months to catch a breather.  Now I am excited about OkiDoki.  The best part is I have no expectations.

How much do I make?  Hmmm I don't know that I would ever post that publicly.  I will say in Okinawa OkiDoki was our fun money.  Iwakuni I started to run it as a money maker.  I think that was a huge mistake because I always enjoyed photography in Okinawa.  So basically I am back to basics... only four sessions a month (at most). I would be lying if I said we didn't need the money... I mean we have five kids on E6 pay.  However it is what it is and I rather donate the sessions than be miserable.

Sleep seems obvious?  Okay I think I just assumed I was busy.. I think when are so sleep deprived you no longer have that reasoning in your brain.  Three years is a long time with no sleep and I don't have childcare here.

Two people mentioned suicide in the emails they sent to me, so I would like to clarify.  I never had that urge to harm myself or anyone else.  I joked about smothering my children.. but anyone with small children get it.

How were you doing it all?  I wasn't that is why I was a crab.

Do you have any advice?  Go to the doctor if you are out of whack.  If you get a bad one, make another appointment until someone listens, and don't be to hard on yourself.

You are brave for telling this to everyone- Not brave at all... just I wish more people would talk about these things.

Anymore questions email me ;)


Mom of AOCG said...

Great job, Laurie! xoxo

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