Monday, October 11, 2010

Iwakuni Portrait Photography /My Birthday

Today I turned 31.... officially a 30 something.  I have determined turning 31 was much worse than 30.  Yes, you are loosing your twenties when you turn 30... but to be a 30 something???  However now it is official I will be a 30 something for the next 9 years, which means all birthdays for the next 9 years will be amazing with nothing to dread.  Maybe this one just stunk because Matthew was gone, I had to work... and the kids were rotten all day.  I did have two really great moments though.

I all ready knew it but I am lucky enough to have found my Kuni BFF... lame to have a Kuni BFF maybe.    Living far from family and friends, I am lucky to have found her.  She brought me some coffee, sprinkles cupcakes, and a really funny card.  Also just knowing she drove all the way out to my house to drop this off.

and this amazing sky... it was a beautiful day.


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