Wednesday, April 10, 2013


This was a challenge that I came up with driving my kids to school.  I wanted to take something ugly and make it gorgeous.  Now I am a portrait photographer and seriously struggle with landscapes.  When I see a great landscape, I always think to myself this photo would be better with a person.  Now I am not saying I can't do it.  I am just saying I have zero interest in landscapes.  This thinking also spills over onto things... like a big electricity box.

So here is this metal box in a big ugly dirt field with the MCX gas station .  It is right outside the entrance to my neighborhood.  Pretty ugly.  I took these in about three minutes as I had to get back to the house to watch my children.  You know the whole I should be an awesome mom and actually take care of them.  

My friend Denise joined me on this challenge so when you are done looking at my photos make sure to skip on over to her blog.  A link will be posted in the morning or whenever she post to her blog. (I just learned from her no post, she is sick).

and I am now taking appointments in San Diego! 

If you would like to also network and do the next challenge for my little Beautification project let me know and I will link it up!


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