Sunday, May 29, 2011

Iwakuni Family Photographer / My Life

After doing the little ice sculpture we decided to do a "BIG" one.  

The night before we frozen a dozen or so items.

Some ideas:
Balloons filled with toy, glitter, fabric, food coloring, etc.
Plastic hollow toys to freeze ice into different shapes.
Ice cube trays and make each square a different color.

Then we woke up. The boys had a contest to see who could hold the balloon ice the longest.

It was a cold and painful contest... Kennon one.  He is psycho.

We unwrapped the balloons and placed all the frozen goodies into a big container.

This is good to do when your freezer is empty.. I was lucky and needed to go to the store the next day.

Add toys, bottle caps, legos, anything you really don't care about.

Let the kids play for a while.

add more water.

Freeze until the next morning.  I forgot to take pictures of it when it was complete.  The kids were outside all day pushing it, sitting on it,  and who knows what.  It took almost 24 hours for it to thaw on a rainy day.  We will definitely do this again.  

I sort of got the idea to get this crazy HERE


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